Tips to Avoid Getting Your Amazon Account Suspended on Account of Forged Documents

Many sellers these days are facing account suspension on Amazon with the charge of giving manipulative or forged documents. While this might be true for some sellers and is necessary to fight counterfeit against such people, but for most this charge is not true just because they highlighted ASINs on their invoice, which is not against Amazon policies.

AmazonLockedClients who know they have not used any counterfeit documents should not lose hope because most often their accounts can be recovered. You just need professional help to assist you in making a strategically right appeal to Amazon regarding the false charges.

If you have never used forged or manipulated supplier documentation, you can hire experts from YoungLanes Amazon Appeal Services who have the right experience and knowledge to help you in reinstating your suspended account. It will be their job to create an appeal to present to Amazon on your behalf and take on all communications with them to make sure that your rights as a seller are restored on Amazon.

What can cause account suspension on the charge of a forged document?

amazon accountThere are certain scenarios where you can be suspended to sell on Amazon on the charge of manipulative documents even when you were following the seller policies diligently.

These scenarios that you must try to avoid as a seller are:

  • When you send an invoice copy to Amazon after blacking out the prices. Even if the invoice was genuine, you could be charged for manipulating the document.
  • If you have mentioned or highlighted ASIN on the invoice, chances are higher for account suspension.
  • If you use Adobe to highlight ASIN or to black out prices on the invoice, your chances of getting suspended are very high.
  • You must always send a JPEG image when you are asked for an invoice, sending a PDF instead can lead to account suspension.
  • One of your staff has made changes to the invoice or packing slip without your knowledge.

In some scenarios, everything is genuine and yet your account gets suspended. However, if your supplier can authenticate the invoice for you, you can get back to your seller’s services.

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Tips that can help you in avoiding suspension in the first place


  • Do not highlight or make changes in the invoice at any cost.
  • Redacting information using a computer program should be avoided.
  • Ensure that your packing slip is sent as it is without making any modifications.
  • Avoid hiring third-party services for getting seller approval, do everything yourself and preferably, manually.
  • Ensure that you are sourcing your products from reliable brands and distributors. While you can be genuine, but if your supplier has fake documentation, you will be suspended as result.
  • If you have to react in certain scenarios, try to produce both the original and the altered invoice to Amazon.


Charges against forged documentation are usually tricky ones and reinstating such accounts can be a difficult task.

Amazon-account-suspendedHowever, professionals in this field can help you in making a strong appeal and can show that you are a genuine seller. This can make for a strong case and by submitting the documents again, you can expect to restart your selling business on Amazon.

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Vivek Baghel is a Professional Blogger, Writer and likes to write on various niches as well as all about the latest news. He’s also Admin of a tech blog and shares Tech, News, SEO articles, and the Latest News.
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