Settlements of The Personal Injury Lawyer – How Is It Decided?
Most of the injury claims will go unclaimed because the plaintiff party cannot fight their case legally, and end up losing their actual compensation from the defendant’s side. These victims believe that hiring a personal injury attorney will cost them more than what they can get from the claim. This is not true.
To help the plaintiffs in need in an accident, the personal injury attorneys have come up with the contingency fee strategy. This is a process where they will not take any fee from their clients unless they win their case. The lawyers will first decide the contingency fee and discuss it with their clients, before handling any personal injury case.
Are you looking for legal aid to claim your compensation? If yes, then you can check 1-800-HURT-911®, New York Serious Injury Attorneys Firm. The lawyers here will not take the personal injury lawyer fee from you unless they get you the compensation from the defendant’s party. You can visit their webpage to hire one to represent your case.
The normal contingency fee that is charged to any client of the personal injury attorney will be between 33% and 40%. However, the claim that you get will decide the actual fee of your lawyer.
For instance, if your claim is $50,000 and the contingency fee is about 33% of the claim, then your lawyer will charge you $16,500, and the remaining $33,500 will be your compensation amount.
The settlement amount will normally be addressed to your lawyer via check, from the defendant’s side. The lawyer will deduct their fee and will send the remaining money to your account.
Read also: How To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney
Other Costs
The successful outcome of any case will be decided based on the pieces of evidence that you collect such as the expert witnesses, extensive documentation, trial exhibits, deposition, and many more. The final fee of all the personal injury attorneys will not be the same and will be decided based on the work that is required to win the case.
The documents that are required for producing as economic compensation documents for the case include –
- Police reports
- Medical records
- Fee for the witnesses and investigators
- Filing fees
- Postage cost
Before planning to hire an attorney to represent your injury case, it is suggested to discuss openly the possible charges from the side of your lawyer. They should transact transparently with you and should not include hidden charges later, once the case settles.
Why Contingency Fee?
You will come across the term “contingency fee”, every time you think about how much does a lawyer takes from a settlement. This fee is decided because the lawyers know very well that their clients cannot handle the required fieldwork and paperwork related to the case, as they will be injured both physically and psychologically after the accident.
The personal injury attorneys are the trained people and will know exactly the way of addressing any personal injury case. They will make sure that everything is checked and cross-checked as many times as possible before finalizing the facts in the case. Hence, hiring one will be the best way of acquiring the claim that is rightfully yours in any personal injury case.