Maintenance Tips for BMW Owners

The BMW carries a lot of class and prestige. When you’re taking it out for a spin, all eyes normally cast in its direction. But that flash is in constant need of preservation. So, these are a few pointers you can check through to keep your car looking and working like a first class prize.

Summer Preservation

For the BMW, the summer is the ideal time to shine and to show off your set of wheels. But the heat can be problematic. Unless you want to boil in the car, you need to check the cooling system. This can get a little dangerous if you’ve just been running a hot engine so wait until it has been turned off for a few hours before you do anything. Many BMW cars can check the coolant in the coolant reservoir which will have a maximum and minimum indicator. Before you go topping up the coolant, you should consult a car manufacturer on what type of coolant to use. And probably best to avoid the tap water on this one. Also be on the lookout for leaks in the coolant hose and cracks in the drive belt.

BMW Owner

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Since you’re most likely going to be getting a lot of mileage during the summer, you should check the pressure on your tires and make sure they don’t wear out prematurely.

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Winter Preservation

Even if you don’t take the BMW for a spin as much as you normally would in the summer, the winters can be fantastically cruel and your car could incur a fair bit of damage. Those tires are going to be your lifeline if you ever find yourself journeying down an icy road. You’re likely to get a lot of frosting on your windshield

You will also need to keep an eye on the automated parts of your car, such as your windows and windshield wipers. If it gets cold enough, the joints can freeze up and the automated parts won’t work when prompted.

You’d do well to have a small winter kit on hand to help you through any difficult journeys; a bag of kitty litter will be useful when it comes to the tire traction and an ice scraper to remove any ice from your windshield as well as some de-icing liquid. You should take the winter season as a chance to check with a local manufacturer about having the tires rotated and have a firm grip on them.


Maintaining the Interior

Of course, the interior is where you’re going to be spending the bulk of your time. A major ground rule is obviously no food or drink in the car. It won’t lead to a life-or-death scenario, but it can be a bit distracting trying to show off your pristine car when there’s a ketchup stain lying nearby.

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When cleaning the seats, you should vacuum them first before applying leather cleaner. You could use your general cleaning products, but you don’t know what kind of marks you could be getting as a result. If you spot any dust or grime on the seats, you can remove them using microfiber towels. Ideally, you should do this once a week to preserve the integrity of the leather.

Even if you find yourself in need of BMW spares, all the actions you take here will prolong your car’s lifespan and allow you to bask in that most pristine of vehicles.

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Vivek Baghel is a Professional Blogger, Writer and likes to write on various niches as well as all about the latest news. He’s also Admin of a tech blog and shares Tech, News, SEO articles, and the Latest News.
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