Housing based on Your Present Mental Health

Are you aware of your housing rights based on the current condition of your mental health? You are eligible for your proper housing based on your mental health problem under the following situations:

Mental Health

  • If the present condition of your property is making your mental health problem worse
  • If you are facing eviction due to issues related to your mental health problem
  • People want to get into your home without your permission due to your mental health problem
  • You need a certain special accommodation due to your mental health problem
  • You are about to be discharged from the hospital and you have no place to live.
  • You are homeless or sleeping rough and you have a mental health problem


nonmedical is one of the leading medical advisers having a team of professional doctors and psychiatrists who are specialists in housing medical assessments. For housing medical advice in the UK, they are one of the leading providers.

Few tips to assert your housing rights

If you fulfill the conditions mentioned above, as far as your mental health condition is concerned then you must know the following:

1. Get professional support and advice on housing

You can seek help from a few organizations, who can help with your housing needs. You could also try to look for a certain solicitor who usually deals with such housing issues on the various Law Society’s website.

2. Get a certificate on your health

Mental Health

You must obtain a certificate or a letter from your GP, or certain other health or social care professional, in order to show how a certain issue has really affected your mental health, or how the mental health condition affecting your problem.

3. Keep records as evidence

You must take photographs and also keep all copies of any emails, letters, and text messenger correspondence. In case, you have any verbal conversation with any professional then make a note of it and include the date and the name of the person.

Read also: Comprehensive Guide to Diagnostic Techniques for Allergic Conditions

Should you stop paying your house rent?

We want to advise that you must desist from doing any such thing because then due to nonpayment of rent, your landlord may evict you.

However, if you want to repair your rented house for your convenience, then you can take up such activities yourself, but before that talk to your landlord who must agree to accept the rent with a deduction.

You must discuss with your legal advisor if your landlord disagrees to accept the rent with a deduction of the repair charges that you have made from your own pocket.

Eviction from the housing association properties

Mental Health

If you have rented your house from any council or from a certain housing association and if are vulnerable due to your present mental health, then your landlord will have to follow a certain specific step, which should be lawful in case he is intending to evict you.


If your mental health condition is not sound then you have got housing rights in the UK. You need to obtain the necessary certificate from a certified healthcare professional. Your landlord cannot evict you without following any legal course.

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Vivek Baghel is a Professional Blogger, Writer and likes to write on various niches as well as all about the latest news. He’s also Admin of Oshup.com a tech blog and shares Tech, News, SEO articles, and the Latest News.
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