Employment Benefits for Truckers

Truck Driver

If you own your own rig and drive independently, you’ll be responsible for your own employment benefits. Many companies that employ truck drivers, however, compensate their truck drivers in part with a benefits package. From trucking companies to large-box retailers like Walmart and fast-food chains like McDonald’s employ truck drivers. In addition to paying them the going rate per driving mile, they also include certain benefits as a condition of trucking employment.

So what are these benefits?

Employment Benefits Truck Drivers Can Expect From Their Employer

Every employer is different. Some pay higher rates for driving while others make up the difference in benefits. Some employers pay well in both respects. As you search for the perfect truck driving job for you, compare the benefits packages of potential employers and see which one might be best for you and your family.

Truck Drivers

Types of truck employment benefits include:

  • Bonuses – Some companies compensate truck drivers for safety or for driving so many miles in a year. Safe driving is so important to the industry that some employers actually give out annual bonuses for no accidents or loss of cargo or work days due to accidental injury or unsafe driving. Other companies pay a bonus based on mileage.
  • Medical and Dental Coverage – Every employer offers different levels of medical and dental insurance coverage, if at all. Do your research and compare insurance plans of potential employers.
  • Life Insurance – Truck driving is a dangerous profession. Some companies offer life insurance packages at a discount or as a benefit to truckers and their families.
  • Retirement Plans – If you get hired by a good trucking company or major employer, you’ll have access to a 401k or similar retirement plan.
  • Preferred Jobs – Many trucking companies reward their best truck drivers with preferred assignments. You may get the pick of the litter when it comes to runs or you may be assigned the most coveted jobs by your dispatcher.
  • A Better Truck – If you’ve worked for an employer for a period of time with no safety incidents and you have earned their trust, you may find yourself driving one of the best trucks in the fleet.

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Truckuition Reimbursement – Some companies will pay for your truck driving training or even college for you or your children.

  • Meal Allowances – While you’re on the road, you’ll be responsible for paying for your own meals. Some truck drivers handle this by taking a cooler with lunch meat and/or food cooked at home. If you’re fortunate enough to work for a company that provides you with a meal allowance, you can eat on the company dime while on the road.
  • Employee Discounts – If you work for a restaurant or a retail store, you may find that you have the same employee discounts that other employees of the company receive.

Every employer offers truck drivers different benefits. It doesn’t all boil down to how much you are paid for being on the road. Consider your base pay a part of the benefits package you receive and analyze the entire package to see how it compares with other employers.

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Vivek Baghel is a Professional Blogger, Writer and likes to write on various niches as well as all about the latest news. He’s also Admin of Oshup.com a tech blog and shares Tech, News, SEO articles, and the Latest News.
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