6 Cleaning Tips to Boost Your Efficiency

Boost Your Efficiency

We all love having a clean home, but dealing with all the housework has never been a fun venture to undertake. Most people feel anxious about it and just can’t wait to get it over with and move on to more pleasant tasks on their daily schedule.

However, as NW Maids in Tacoma suggest, integrating a couple of expert tips into your routine can make all the difference and help you finish off your housekeeping tasks in a shorter time and with better results. Keep reading to find out how to make your routine efficient and less stressful.

What are the most efficient cleaning tips?

Even if you sometimes feel desperate about the number of chores that pile up every day, the following tips will help you change that and approach these tasks lightheartedly. Here are the top 6 tips for a streamlined routine:

Cleaning Tips to Boost Your Efficiency

Prep up

To kick-start, your cleaning session, equip yourself with everything you’re going to need on your way through the house. Grab a container such as a basket or a caddy, and place all the tools and supplies in it, so that you can reach them at any time during the process. Some of the necessary supplies include:

  • Cloths
  • Duster
  • Mop
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Sponge
  • Glass cleaner
  • Vacuum cleaner

Tackle room by room

Rather than dealing with the entire home at once, take up room by room and save up a substantial amount of time. Not only will you be able to easily keep track of your progress, but you’ll also stay motivated throughout.

To make this approach even more efficient, grab an additional empty container. As you move from one area to another, toss in everything that doesn’t belong there so that you can deposit it in the right place when you reach it.

Tips to Boost

Bathroom comes first

As a room that requires the most elbow grease, the bathroom should be the first room on your list. Once you’ve dealt with it, you’ll feel much better knowing that the worst part is behind you, and you can move on to the less challenging areas. Take a look at the recommended order of tasks to do around your bathroom:

  • Scrub the tub, sink, and shower
  • Sanitize the toilet
  • Wipe down the mirror
  • Disinfect the counters
  • Remove dirty clothes
  • Replace towels
  • Throw away the garbage
  • Mop the floor

Continue to the kitchen

Your kitchen is another area that requires scrubbing due to all the food processing that leaves greasy stains, splatter, and other marks on your surfaces. The best way to approach this zone is the following:

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Cleaning Tips to Boost

  • Put dirty dishes in the washer
  • Sanitize the sink
  • Wipe off countertops and appliances
  • Throw away the garbage

Take it to the living room and bedroom

All you need to worry about tending to your living room are the clutter and dust. Make sure you remove any items that don’t belong on your coffee table and dust your ornaments and furniture. Vacuum your upholstery and carpets, and mop the floor.

When it comes to the bedroom, see if there are any dirty clothes to be taken to the laundry, refold the clean garments and place them back where they belong. Finally, make your bed and vacuum the floor.

Finish off with your patio

Your patio doesn’t require detailed upkeep, but people tend to forget about it since it’s the outer part of their home. However, you should regularly take care of it. All you need to do is wipe down the furniture and use your broom and dustpan to sweep the floor. You’re all set to enjoy the fruits of your work sitting back on your cozy patio.

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Vivek Baghel is a Professional Blogger, Writer and likes to write on various niches as well as all about the latest news. He’s also Admin of Oshup.com a tech blog and shares Tech, News, SEO articles, and the Latest News.
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